Monday, May 4, 2020

Week 7 Super Learning

Hi Tigers and Monkeys!!
We know that you are all you are all trying so hard with your learning at home , we are super proud of you! Here are some more learning challenges for this week. 

Thank you again for sending us lots of lovely pictures of your learning. We really enjoy seeing what you have been busy learning about at home. Here are some more of your friends - who can you see? What have they been busy doing?

 If you have some pictures you would like to send us -

Week 7 super learning challenges

This weeks phonics learning - please use this fantastic resource below. A new phonics sessions will be uploaded every day at the given times !

Extra challenges:  

Here is another extra challenge to support with phonics. Each day in phonics you have been learning to read and write super words. 
Grown ups - choose a word from the sounds the children have been learning. Write a simple sentence including the word .......

Eg       I can see a  snail 

Ask the children to blend the sounds and read it back - then draw a picture to show they have understood what it says. 

If your child is confident with 'tricky words' (which many are). Include some of these in the sentence for added challenge - encourage the children to read these familiar word by sight 

Eg         the snail was in the rain
              the postman has all of the mail

Don't forget our letter rhymes to help support your letter formation:

Phonics song we love to sing at school - you could sing them at home too!


 Maths Challenges: 

This week we are beginning to be learning all about money.


Today we are going to be recognising coins and their values. Grown ups please can you look around the house to find some spare change to use. We need 1p 2p 5p 10p 20p.

Ask the children if they are able to name any of the coins. Talk about the coins shape (curved, round) , size (large, medium , small)  and colour (silver, bronze). Which look similar , which are different? talk about their values and how much they are worth. together write price labels for these and order them from the least amount to the greatest.

Money fun - ask your grown ups to hide some coins under some paper and colour over the top of them to reveal which coins they are. Can you guess which were hiding ?


Today we are going to be making amounts. Lets make a toy shop! Choose 5 of your favourite toys. Can you give your toys a price tag ? choose a price between 1p-10p (don't forget to write the p for pence).

You will need a bag of 1p coins first. Take turns with your grown ups to be the shop keep and the customer. Use your coins to count to but the item. How many do you need?

Tricky challenge: now try this with 1p and 2p coins. Can you use a range of coins ? remember that a 2p is the same as 2 1p coins.

 keep your toy shop! you will need them tomorrow!


Use your toys and price labels from yesterday. Today we are going to be investigators! you will need 1p and 2p coins (5p for an extra challenge)

Chose one of your toys which has an amount greater than 5p. We are going to explore how many different ways you can make this same amount. Can you make it with all 1p coins first? now can you make it will 1p and 2p? can you make it a different way ? look if you can swap 2 1p coins for a 2 p coin.

Place the coins in a line and draw around them every time you find a new way , write the value inside? which way had the most amount of coins? which had the least?

Extra tricky challenge: could you include a 5p?


We have had this challenge on the blog a little while ago but it is very fun and really great for practising your money skills.

We are going to make a little boat using tin foil and see how much money it take to make it sink. Start by using 1p coins - count as you put them into the boat . Now try with 2p coins

Can you say which coins you are using - remember to look for the clues on the coins to help!
Tricky Challenge : can you add the total of all of your coins all together ? how much money did you use?

Here are some maths songs we use in school. You might find these useful  count to 100 macareena pump to 100 count in 2s  count in 5s

Today Tigers and Monkeys we are going to turn into Yoga Superstars!
Can you find a space and have some quiet time and complete the Yoga Poses, there is a pose for each letter of the alphabet! You could even choose the letters in your name and complete those Yoga Poses! Remember to ask your grown ups to take pictures and send them to us!

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