Tuesday, June 9, 2020

week 12 maths


This week we are going to be learning to subtract number this week.

Key vocabulary :

Take away, less , subtract , equal , how may left over?


Today we are going to be using a song to support our simple subtraction. Do you know 5 little speckled frogs? there's a great link for it here

Sing the song with your grown up and use your hand to represent the 5 frogs. Each time a frog jumps off of the log put down 1 finger.

Sing the song again with out the video clip. Begin to talk about: how many frog are on the log?
How many frogs jumped off of the log ?
How many frogs are left over.

Children should have a good knowledge of counting back from 5 in their head and knowing the answer. If children need support you can encourage them to count their fingers. 

Extend to using vocabulary 'take away'. 


Today we will be continuing to use 5 little speckled frogs to support us beginning to write simple subtractions. 

You will need your own 5 frogs and a log. You could draw these and cut them out. 

In school we would use a mini script to support children understanding subtraction. We can it a subtraction story, it looks like this.

There were____ frogs sitting on the log
then ___ frog jumped off
Now there are ____ frogs on the log

We would use this model to talk through each stage of the rhyme. Say the story to the children and encourage them to use their frog puppets to support while they fill in the missing numbers . It would be great to encourage them to write this down (to support number formation)

Challenge : to begin to write the simple number sentences using the story to help. 

show the children the - sign and explain that this means were taking something away. We write a number sentence as we would write a normal sentence. We write it in order as we say it. eg there were 5 frogs on the log, 1 jumped off (we need to take away/ subtract one) and there were 4 left on the log (equals 4)


repeat for each frog jumping off

 Today we are going to to be exploring subtraction from a higher amount of 10, using the same concept of taking away 1 each time. The song we are using today is '10 in the bed' . You will need to collect 10 of your favourite teddies of characters. 

You could put them all in your bed and sing the song or you could find a blanket and me them a bed. As we did with the frogs we are going to sing the song and take out a bear each time. Talk about how many we have , how many role out each time, how many are left over.

Children may not be as confident reciting numbers from 10 in their mind, you could write down a number line of 1-10 to visually support them. Remind children that we have taken a bear away so we need to count backwards.
Use the subtraction story from yesterday

There were____ bears in the bed
then ___ bear rolled out
Now there are ____ bears in the bed

Challenge: re-cap writing number sentences from yesterday. Encourage children to have a go at writing their own for the rest of the song.

Today we were going to be learning to subtract numbers greater than 1. We will be playing 'playdough squash' . Here is a great recipe you can use. (if you don't have ingredients to make play dough you could use some thing edible instead eg cheerios - which could be eaten to subtract)

You will need to write some simple subtraction sums onto some card for the children to use. First use 5-4 =
Talk through the number sentence with the children , do they remember the - sign?

Tell them this is 5-4 . The first number says how many balls they need, can they find this many? the next number is how many to squash. Ask the children how many are left over?
encourage the children to say the number sentence with there answer e.g 5-4=1

A number line 1-10 will further support children also. Remind them that it is take away so they will need to jump backwards on their number line.

Rpt for different examples.

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