Hi Tigers and Monkeys! We hope you have had a lovely Easter and enjoyed last week's super creative challenges! We hope you are ready for some more super learning challenges this week! Miss Hanson and I cannot wait to see all of the wonderful things you have been doing! Keep safe Tigers and Monkeys.
Here is out new email address :
You can send us some pictures of the fab things you have been doing!
P.S Don't forget to keep your eyes peeled for a special story time which will be uploaded each week! Miss Hanson's Story was posted a the weekend! scroll down to find it !
Lots of Love Miss Wilcox and Miss Hanson xx
Phonics - Today's phonics challenge is for your different phonics group! Can you remember which grown up you do phonics learning with? Is it Miss Hanson or Miss Wilcox? Check out your learning challenges below!
Miss Hanson - Today we are learning digraph 'ng' like in the word l-o-
ng. Click on the link to see our friend Geraldine learning the digraph!
Geraldine Giraffe 'ng'
Can you think of any other words which might have the 'ng' sound in? Can you segment the sounds in these words?
Time for some super blending! Your grown up's are going to write 5 words in your super learning book! Your challenge is to underline the 'ng' digraph. Once you have completed this can you blend the sounds to read the words? Remember to say each sound and repeat the sounds if you are not sure the first time!
song wing sing bang ring
Miss Wilcox - Today we are learning digraph '
ow' like in the word c-
ow. Click on the link to see our friend Geraldine learning the digraph!
Geraldine Giraffe 'ow'
Can you think of any other words which might have the 'ow' sound in? Can you segment the sounds in these words?
Time for some super blending! Your grown up's are going to write 5 words in your super learning book! Your challenge is to underline the 'ow' digraph. Once you have completed this can you blend the sounds to read the words? Remember to say each sound and repeat the sounds if you are not sure the first time!
owl cow gown clown howl
Maths - Time to be number detectives and embark on a number hunt! Can you go on a hunt around your house to find numbers! How many different numbers can you find in your house? Can you record these in your learning book? What is the smallest number you can find? Which is the biggest? Can you choose 3 or 4 numbers and put them in order from smallest to biggest? Can you choose 2 numbers and add them together to find the total?
Phonics - We are going to continue to explore blending for reading! Log into the Oxford Owl site using your log in details and choose a book (the colour band on your sheet.) Can you talk about the front cover, the blurb, who the characters are and where the story might be set? You could read your story to a grown up, your brother or sister or even a teddy bear! Remember to look for digraphs and tricky words when reading. Are there any words you are unsure of? What do these words mean?
You could record all of the book you are reading in your super learning book! You could even write a sentence about what you have read,
Maths - Can you count how many people live in your house? Can you record this in your book? How many eyes are there in your house? How many noses? How many toes? Can you add the number of eyes and noses together? Can you write this as a number sentence? You could even draw the eyes and noses to help you combine the groups to find the total.
Phonics -Today's phonics challenge is for your different phonics group! Can you remember which grown up you do phonics learning with? Is it Miss Hanson or Miss Wilcox? Check out your learning challenges below!
Miss Hanson - Today we are learning digraph '
or' like in the word t-
or-ch. Click on the link to see our friend Geraldine learning the digraph!
Geraldine Giraffe 'or'
Can you think of any other words which might have the 'or' sound in? Can you segment the sounds in these words?
Time for some super segmenting! Your grown up's will tell you a word, your challenge is to segment the sounds in the word and write this in your super learning book! Remember to use your super segmenting hands and your phonics mat!
fork porch short born
Challenge: Can you choose a word and write a super sentence? You could write
I can see a thorn.
The man is short.
Miss Wilcox - Today we are learning the digraph 'oi' like in the word c-
oi-n. Click on the link to see our friend Geraldine learning the digraph!
Geraldine Giraffe 'oi'
Can you think of any other words which might have the 'oi' sound in? Can you segment the sounds in these words?
Time for some super segmenting! Your grown up's will tell you a word, your challenge is to segment the sounds in the word and write this in your super learning book! Remember to use your super segmenting hands and your phonics mat!
oil foil boiling join coil
Challenge: Can you choose a word and write a super sentence? You could write
I can join the band.
The coil is wet and black.
Maths - Can you warm your brains up by completing the counting to 100 song!
Count to 100
Now you are ready! Today we are going to explore using positional language! All you need is a teddy and a chair! Your grown ups are going to give you some challenges using positional language! They might ask you to put the teddy
on the chair. They might ask you to put the teddy
under ,
on top,
next to,
in front or
behind the chair! For an extra challenge your grown's up might introduce
left and right. You could even explore positional language in your garden! Go and stand next to the plant pot or the tree!
Phonics - Tricky word Thursday! Can you warm your brains up by singing the tricky song or by looking at your tricky word cards?
Tricky Words!
Once your brain is nice and warm log into phonics play using your log in details and play the tricky word trucks game using your phase 2/3 or 4 tricky words. Are there any tricky words you have found tricky? If so you could practice writing these in your learning book. Remember to sing the rhyme to help you!
Maths - Today we are going to look at the number 10! Click on the link to see today's challenge. Can you answer the questions as the video plays. Your grown's up can pause the video to help you complete the challenges. You could record this into your learning book.
Number of the day 10!
Fun Friday!
We know how much you love dancing and grooving Tigers and Monkeys! So today your challenge is to complete the Go Noodle dances and the Cosmic Kids Yoga session! Here are some of our favourite Go Noodle and Cosmic Kids for you to try!
We also love squiggle while you wiggle and Dough Disco! Our friend the Dough Disco lady Shonette Bason Wood is holding daily live Dough Disco sessions at 9:30 every day! Even if you haven't got any play dough you could still join in, strenghten those muscles and have a giggle!